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What Does Being a Kitty Lawn Affiliate Mean?

Being an affiliate means that you create content promoting Kitty Lawn and in exchange when anyone makes a purchase on our website from your unique link or promo code, you'll receive 25% of the sale!. Example: If someone purchases a Luxury Kitty Lawn

How Do I Apply to Be an Affiliate?

To become an affiliate, click here and fill out the requested information. Once we approve your application you'll receive an email prompting you to create an account.

How Do I Get My Affiliate Link and Promo Code?

Once you create an account, you'll be able to login to the affiliate portal and find your unique link or promo code here:. Now, you can create your video promoting Kitty Lawn to post on your TikTok and/or Instagram as a reel!. If you have any questio

I Want to Change My Affiliate Promo Code. How Do I Do That?

If you would like to change your affiliate promo code, please email [email protected] and make the subject: Change Affiliate Promo Code.

I Need Some Ideas to Help Promote Kitty Lawn!

Here are a few ways that you can help promote Kitty Lawn!. *Make sure with all of these ideas you are posting your affiliate link or promo code so that you get a commission on the sale!. Post Us On Instagram. Everyone knows post a cute

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